
A person in our society commits a crime, and when the criminal is convicted, they receive a legal punishment. If the crime is murder, it leads to the punishment of death. Thus, a story ends with the closure of a chapter. However, no, the story begins again after the death of an offender. The person dies, but their story remains. It becomes a collection of questions, leaving a mark on humanity and its legacy. Hidden within all of us, there’s a criminal somewhere.

We have all committed someone’s murder, whether it was someone’s companionship, dreams, or love

The criminal is the creative artist; the detective only the critic.” (G.K. Chesterton)

Have you ever witnessed a criminal die?

Have you ever considered the punishment of death?

Death is a fascination for a criminal. They rarely try to escape the gallows. What must be going through their minds at that moment?

What about the crimes they’ve committed? Do they feel remorse?

Are they ready to face their punishment?

Perhaps they contemplate escape, but they do not choose death. They value life. A person hangs on the gallows for 8 to 10 minutes, and their body swings like a pendulum until the noose stops moving. In those 10 minutes, a criminal’s life flashes before their eyes.

The breath is cut off, the rope tightens, and society’s rituals commence

We’ll find an innocent person if we read about the first steps of a criminal’s life. Society plays a role in creating criminals.”The society prepares the crime; the criminal commits it.” (Henry Thomas Buckle).

We, as a society, contribute to this. Hunger and circumstances force people onto a path of no return, where redemption is impossible. Does a criminal start as a human being? If we acknowledge the rights of all members of society, prioritize relationships over money, look at characters rather than appearances, and treat everyone with respect, perhaps we can prevent many from becoming criminals.

By Romana

Hi everyone I'm Romana the creator of "Literaturebs.Online". I've always had a passion for stories, so I decided to build this space to share my love of literature with fellow bookworms like you. From classic novels to modern masterpieces, I hope to inspire and engage readers of all ages. Join me as we embark on a journey through the wonderful world of words!"

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