Anton Chekhov: As a Play Writer

Anton Chekhov’s Early Life and Influences

Born in 1860 in Taganrog, Russia, Anton Chekhov spent his childhood observing customers’ daily lives in his father’s struggling grocery store. This early exposure to human behavior and conversation profoundly influenced his storytelling.

Chekhov’s father, Paul, came from an impoverished background and, despite hard work, his grocery business eventually failed. Financial difficulties marked Chekhov’s early life, a theme that later permeated his plays and stories.

Youth and Education

Despite economic hardships, Chekhov excelled in school. In 1879, he left Taganrog to attend medical school in Moscow. With his father unable to support the family, Chekhov took on the responsibility of providing for them. He began writing humorous stories for local newspapers and journals, earning modest sums at first. However, his talent quickly gained recognition, and by his fourth year of medical school, he was earning significant income and gaining notoriety.

Chekhov’s Literary Philosophy

Chekhov was known for his belief that literature should not serve as a vehicle for moral instruction but rather as a reflection of life. He saw the artist as a dispassionate observer rather than a judge. His works often satirized society without preaching, emphasizing the importance of artistic expression for its own sake.

“The artist must be, not the judge of his characters and of what they say, but merely a dispassionate observer.” — Anton Chekhov

The Playwright’s Journey

Chekhov’s love for dialogue drew him to theater. His early plays, such as Ivanov and The Wood Demon, left him dissatisfied. In 1895, he embarked on an innovative project with The Seagull, a play that defied conventional theatrical norms by focusing on character rather than plot. Despite a poor initial reception, directors Konstantin Stanislavski and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danechenko recognized its potential. Their restaging at the Moscow Art Theatre turned The Seagull into a success.

Subsequently, the Moscow Art Theatre produced Chekhov’s other major works:

  • Uncle Vanya (1899)
  • The Three Sisters (1900)
  • The Cherry Orchard (1904)

Chekhov’s Personal Life

Though Chekhov explored themes of romance in his work, he remained largely aloof from love until meeting Olga Knipper, a Russian actress. They married discreetly in 1901. Olga deeply understood Chekhov’s plays, often offering insights into their nuanced meanings. Despite spending little time together due to Chekhov’s health, their letters reveal a deep affection.

Final Years and Death

Chekhov began showing signs of tuberculosis at 24 and, by his early 30s, could no longer ignore the disease. By the time The Cherry Orchard premiered in 1904, his health was in serious decline. The opening night became a tribute to Chekhov, acknowledging his immense contribution to Russian literature.

On July 14, 1904, Chekhov worked late on a short story before waking in the night to summon a doctor. His final words, after being offered a glass of champagne, were, “It’s a long time since I drank champagne.” He passed away shortly after.


Anton Chekhov is remembered not only for his literary genius but also for his humanitarian efforts. He provided medical care to peasants and supported local writers and students. His works, celebrated for their deep insights into everyday life, continue to resonate worldwide. Unlike many playwrights who create intense dramas, Chekhov’s plays reflect ordinary conversations and reveal profound truths about human nature.

Quick Facts

NameAnton Chekhov
Birth Year1860
Birth DateJanuary 29, 1860
Birth CityTaganrog
Birth CountryRussia
Death Year1904
Death DateJuly 14, 1904
Death CityBadenweiler
Death CountryGermany
OccupationWriter, Playwright
Notable Works“The Steppe,” “The Lady with the Dog,” The Seagull, Uncle Vanya, The Three Sisters, The Cherry Orchard
Astrological SignAquarius

By Romana

Hi everyone I'm Romana the creator of "Literaturebs.Online". I've always had a passion for stories, so I decided to build this space to share my love of literature with fellow bookworms like you. From classic novels to modern masterpieces, I hope to inspire and engage readers of all ages. Join me as we embark on a journey through the wonderful world of words!"

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